Intention. Action. Impact.


Jennifer Haase Morris President & Lead Coach

You are growth-minded, passionate about making a difference, ready to make a change. You want a plan of action that will propel you toward your most important work in the world.

I am a coach, facilitator, and writer with decades of experience helping others unravel problems and find meaning and purpose in their lives and their work. I am passionate about helping people or teams connect the dots, recognize barriers holding them back, and find a path in the creative tension between their current reality and their vision.

How do you move your attention and energy so that the way you are living your life every day is directed toward the intention or intentions that will support your most important work in the world?

I believe that some simple tools complemented with powerful coaching can help.

I heard Ina Garten say “if you aren’t having fun, why do it?” Indeed. I commit to you that even through the tough issues that can surface in a coaching relationship, we will always find a way to learn and laugh through it.

Love. Learn. Laugh.